Rea Koehler



Game developer, Programmer, Technical artist, Software Developer

About me
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Hello! Im Rea, nice to meet you!

I'm a versatile programmer, I work in software, game development, audio design, animation, tooling, and much more!

I started programming by making minecraft mods when I was around 11, and have not stopped since! My first notable project being the discord bot "DadBot", you can see more of my work Here

With games, I specialize in making things look and feel cool in unique ways, excel at working under limitations, and adding audiovisual polish.

I am fluent in c#, python, javascript and typescript. I also have experience with c++, java, openGL, GLSL, rust, and more! I also have extensive experience in the Unity game engine, and experience in engine development.

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  • Splatter

    Splatter is a first-person shooter fever dream.
    I worked on various unique visual effects, involving shaders, scripted animation, sound work, visual design, syncing the environment to music, and more.

    ROLE: Technical artist, Programming, Design.

    LINKS: Steam

  • RhythmThing

    RhythmThing is a personal project. It is a fully featured rhythm game with mod chart, capabilities running in CMD with a custom engine. It does many things not seen in normal games, and lots not seen in command line games. I have a build on this page, note this is a non-profit project, and I do not own the audio assets.

    ROLE:Everything except for sound and music assets.

    LINKS: Github Video demo Build

  • Tombstar

    I worked on Tombstar leading up to release. Tombstar is a topdown, twinstick, roguelike shooter game.

    ROLE:Programming, Design, Sound design and audio implementation.

    LINKS: Steam Website

  • Beat Saber Modding+ModCharts

    I helped kickstart the modding scene for Beat Saber, and ran the modding discord as owner. I also made a few mods, helped with some, and made some iconic levels using said mods that changed the landscape of the game.

    Modcharts take a combination of visual design, programming, and overall understanding of sound. They where made with a combination of Blender, javascript, python, and c#.

    ROLE:Visuals and charting, alongside a private scripting suite to make the process easier.

    LINKS: Discord NULCTRL Video (modchart) Midnight lady Video (modchart)

  • Look at the sky

    I was commissioned by Slush Management to create a Beat Saber modchart for the song "Look at the sky" by Porter Robinson, to go alongside the release of the song, and his new album "Nurture"

    ROLE:All visuals.

    LINKS: Video Showcase Map Download


    Godless light is a short wave shooter game I made in about a week or two, mostly spent to learn and practice shader graph inside unity, and getting better at creating effects from imagination. The visual goal was GEOMETRIC IRIDESCENT HELLSCAPE. I think I hit it.

    ROLE:Everything except for music assets.

    LINKS: Video demo

  • Shader work

    I enjoy messing around with shader code in unity and glsl, lots of them are being used on unreleased projects, but heres a preview video of some!

  • And more to come!

    Many unannounced, and NDA projects to come to this section in the future!

    Have a cool project you think I would be great for? Hire me!

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Want to work together?

Another inquiry?

Just wanna chat about cool stuff?

If you need to reach me for any reason, here are the best ways to do so!

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